miércoles, 25 de julio de 2018




Sit down still

Settle down a little bit

See the sea, take a tea

Seattle chief want you to hear this


Set a coffee table

So sad what we do with mountains of marble

Setter dogs around us

Sit down with us, jubilees


Silk tissues on table

Silhouettes, beautiful!

Siliceous cups, warm, affordable

Silence please, we study to not become null, mule


Seek for joy, help others

Selfish guy? Chief will fix U later*

Sense or sensibility is ok

Sentinels all must be today


Sequoias are huge

Serpents? Respect

Sextets U should play

Sheriff or Sheik


Shellfish we are

Selfies all day

Selfish, egoistic, hey!

Silly persons, not a virtue, not art...


Here in Seattle we smell the sea

Spirit of 99, Supersonic

Mariners, 'oh my' Vizquel stop it, gotcha!

Golden Gloves, Above the ground now


Black Hot Happy Coffee

Everyday's energy

Green Hot Safe Tea

Everyday's protection**



with love


Egura Project** dreamer, Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez, 41



**I have told U before: http://easyhealthycellsproject.blogspot.com/2018/07/healthy-food-holy-soul.html
